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Collection: Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

One of my favourite Islamic scholars is none other than the 7th-century reviver, Sheikh-ul-Islam Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah رَحِمَهُ ٱللّٰه‎.

He began studying Islam at a very young age following in the footsteps of his scholarly forefathers. In his early 20's, his father died and he took up his post as the ‘Head of Education’ at an institute in Damascus. Upon returning from Hajj, he began his scholarly career and the issuing of Fatawa (verdicts) that were not merely based on Ijtihad (individual scholarly reasoning) but also courage and reliance upon Allah as he was imprisoned multiple times throughout his life for speaking Truth to Power. He authored many books on the Tafsir of the Qur'an, Hadith, Seerah, Fiqh (including the famous 36-volume Majmu al-Fatawa), and Aqidah. Not to mention the volumes of lost works which he had written whilst in prison.

A true scholar of Islam who also mastered the study of worldly matters and implemented the knowledge in his life by dealing with the challenges of his time relating to economics, politics, society and so on. After spending an entire lifetime studying and teaching Islam, he sadly passed away in prison with one regret