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Darussalam Publishers

Sunan An Nasai (7 Volume Set)

Sunan An Nasai (7 Volume Set)

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This Sunan is one of the six is al-Mujtaba or as-Sunan as-Sugihara, which is a synopsis of a large collection of Ahadith that he considered to be fairly reliable. In the smaller collection, only those Ahadiths that he considered to be reliable have been included. It was compiled by the great scholar of Ahadith, Abu Abdur-Rahman Ahmad bin Shu`aib bin An-Nasai. Imam An-Nasai, like other great scholars of Ahadith, traveled to Baghdad, Ash-Sham, Egypt, Makkah, and many other cities to seek knowledge. He received the praises of many scholars including Ad-Daraqutni who said about him: `He is given preference over all others who are mentioned with this knowledge from the people of his time`. Some scholars consider his compilation to have the least number of defective or weak narrations among the four Sunan. This great book of his contains 5761 Ahadiths, making it an invaluable addition to anyone`s library.  

Urdu Book Title سنن نسائی (7 جلد سیٹ)
ISBN D-1020115
Author Hafiz Abu Tahir Zubair Ali Zai, Imam Hafiz Abu Abdur- Rahman Ahmad bin Shuaib bin
Language Urdu
Book Pages 2100+
Book Size (cm) 17x24
Genre Hadith
Publication Darussalam Publishers
Colour 1 Colour
Weight 6.2 kg
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