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Living In Allah’s Presence – Aspects of Islamic Spirituality

Living In Allah’s Presence – Aspects of Islamic Spirituality

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Living in Allah’s Presence: Aspects of Islamic Spirituality introduces the natural human characteristics (fiṯrah) that are universally considered to be praiseworthy. In the Qur’ān, Islam is referred to as al-dīn al-fiṯrah, meaning that the human being is, by his very nature, inclined to submit to the will of Allah, and is inclined towards goodness. These Qur’ānic concepts like sincerity, truthfulness, humility, morality, modesty and steadfastness underpin the Islamic value system. The reflections on these key concepts presented in this book guide the reader towards moral excellence and self-purification, which, if achieved, lead to the establishment of justice, living a life in Allah’s presence and building a true relationship with Him, striving to fulfill His will on earth and seeking His pleasure in the afterlife.

Abdur Rashid Siddiqui gained honours degree in economics and politics as well as a law degree from the University of Bombay. He completed his postgraduate study in librarianship from the University of London and was elected an associate of the Library Association. He worked as an information librarian at the University of Leicester from 1966 until his retirement in 1997. Siddiqui passed away in 2019.
His publications are Key to al-Fātiḥah, Key to Āl ꜤImrān, two volumes of 55 Khuṯbah for Friday prayers under the title Lift Up Your Hearts, Man and Destiny: Some Reflections on Iqbal’s Concepts of Khūdī and the Perfect Man, Qur’ānic Keywords, and Nawā-e-Benawā (an anthology of Urdu poetry). He has also edited a collection of essays entitled Tazkiyah: The Islamic Path to Self-Development.

Urdu Book Title Living In Allah’s Presence – Aspects of Islamic Spirituality
ISBN 9789692218238
Language English
Book Pages 216
Book Size (cm) N/A
Genre General
Publication Kube Publishing
Colour 1 Colour
Weight 0.4 kg
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