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Darussalam Publishers

An Inspiration to the World

An Inspiration to the World

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An Inspiration to the World is not a repetition of what has already been written about the Seerah, or an imitation of those who have written on this topic before me. It is not a collection of quotations or a list of reports. Rather it is based on reflection and contemplation of those reports, aimed at presenting the spirit of the Seerah and connecting it to people`s everyday lives, by diving deep into its ocean, trying to discover its secrets, show its lights, highlight its objectives, display its uniqueness and discuss its benefits. This book is unique and different from other Seerah books like Sealed Nectar, Golden Seerah by Abdul Malik Mujahid, As- Seerah by Dr. As-Sallabi, As- Seerah by Dr. Mahdi Rizq-ul-Allah and many others, Because these books are about the biography of the prophet Hazrat Muhammadﷺ, his childhood, Life before Prophethood, Life in Makkah, Life in Madinah, etc. These books are also informative and useful but “An inspiration to the world” is different from all such books. An Inspiration to the World is a record of the Sunnah, a biography of one who was the greatest example, a way of life, a book of manners, a covenant of honor, a call to salvation, a project of reform, a message of Tawheed, and a call to a new life.  

Urdu Book Title دنیا کے لیے ایک الہام
ISBN D-9786039177233
Author Dr. Aid al-Qarni
Language English
Book Pages 771
Book Size (cm) 17x24
Genre General
Publication Darussalam Publishers
Colour 4 Colour
Weight 1.9 kg
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